Monday, August 15, 2011

Here I am

So here I am. All open and scared. Worried what the world will think when I let them in. But I trust in God, and it is He who has oorchestrated all of this. The wonderment of it all is amazing. The small and delightful ways He chooses to paint the pictures of our lives.

I have wanted to blog for a few years now, but I don't really do anything until the craze is gone. I like to show up late. That's when the real shows up. I never really thought I had anything to say that anyone would want to hear. I guess we'll see if that's true or not.

I have a few ideas, though, on this crazy world we live in and how to slow it down, how to be a better steward of the abundant grace we are shown, how to reach for a better life, the life we are Called for.

This is my life on the Potter's wheel. I hope to meet you there.

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