Friday, August 19, 2011

To Work with Your Hands

It's good to have a craft, something to keep you busy, something to create. I started looming late last year, I made Kalli a hat and scarf, the Crowe girls a hat each, and my Momma a scarf. Then I started crocheting, and after an initial instruction from Melissa Langford over at The Langford Life and a lot of internet searches, I got the hang of it. I can't put it down. Proverbs 32:13 says, "She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands." I think this is why I always feel so close to God when I crochet. I pray, and listen to the Bible if I can find it on the radio, and for a while am still. Here is a picture of the blanket I am making for Brian and will post pics of some of my other projects later.

Feel free to post some of your projects too!

Have a great weekend!

Love, B

Thursday, August 18, 2011

His Hands

I missed you yesterday. I plan for Wednesdays to be Worship Wednesdays. I got the idea from my bestie, Melissa Langford (follow her at her blog, The Langford Life) who plans to do the same. Here's what I had.

My blog is titled My Life on the Wheel which got me to thinking about actually being in the wheel and the ebbs and flows of it. And I got this great mental picture of God, the Creator of all things, actually putting His hands on me. And not just putting them there, but molding me. Let me paint it for you.

I see these masculine hands wrapped around this dark, grey clay. The clay is wet and shiny; the hands are wet. The clay is in between His fingers, on the fronts and backs of them, curving it's way through and down and up and over while the wheel spins. The clay is on the wheel, spinning, spinning, spinning. He adds water. He is molding me into something beautiful. From a hard, cold, grey lump of nothing. He is making me beautiful. Useful. Into something purposeful. The spinning is delightful and beautiful. And then I, the clay, bend in the wrong way, trying to do it myself, and I go haywire. The spinning becomes eradict, lopsided and ugly. Almost out of control, slinging the water, but He doesn't retract Himself from me. He fixes me. He bends me down onto myself. Pushing me down. Pushing me down. And He starts again. He adds water, always the water. Making sure I don't dry out and crack. He starts again. The spinning, the creation. The love. He molds me again, and again, and again, and each time I spin out of control, He pushes me back down, so He can mold me as He sees me. Loves me as He tends to me.

What am amazing, humbling thought, that God, the Creator, God the Almighty, the God of Isaac, and David, and Jacob, the God of all, ... would tend to me. Little old, messy me. Oh how He loves us.

I will forever be amazed by Him and His mercy.

Love, B

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Getting Started

I never did say exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. I have a few (hopefully) interesting changes going on that I think you can either relate to, or will be interested in thinking about.

To get to that, let me just say what makes me interesting. I like to be a little left of normal. I don't even try for perfection or the look thereof. I try to be an adorable mess, but most days only the mess sticks. I am open and real in my heart, my opinions, and in what I can afford and am willing or not willing to sacrifice. I strive for happiness, and laughter, and God help me, efficiency. I want to provide for my family in the most cost and time effective way as possible. I, unfortunately, am still a working mom, and I have to make every dollar and minute count.

To that end, I am a joyful Once a Month Cooker. I LOVE to crochet. I am planning a garden for next year, and I have NEVER gardened. I enjoy a Christ-centered mostly hand-made Christmas. I am slowly trying to update my home from boxes to an actual home. I am trying to get a solid grasp on that couponing thing. And let us NEVER forget that sweet uneven walk with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I know that's a lot to have going on, but I will setup a schedule so you will know what days to peek in to get the goods you are most interested in!

Please forgive me while my site is under construction.I will get the kinks worked out and pics up and music on just as soon as I figure out how... and find a picture of myself I can tolerate :)

I hope to see you tomorrow.

Good night and God Bless.

Love, B

Monday, August 15, 2011

Here I am

So here I am. All open and scared. Worried what the world will think when I let them in. But I trust in God, and it is He who has oorchestrated all of this. The wonderment of it all is amazing. The small and delightful ways He chooses to paint the pictures of our lives.

I have wanted to blog for a few years now, but I don't really do anything until the craze is gone. I like to show up late. That's when the real shows up. I never really thought I had anything to say that anyone would want to hear. I guess we'll see if that's true or not.

I have a few ideas, though, on this crazy world we live in and how to slow it down, how to be a better steward of the abundant grace we are shown, how to reach for a better life, the life we are Called for.

This is my life on the Potter's wheel. I hope to meet you there.